Every year, the Global Footprint Network measures humanity's demand for and supply of natural resources and estimates the date on which humanity's ressources consumption exceeds earth's capacity to regenerate those resources. In 2016, the earth overshoot day is today. It means that it took us less that 8 months to use more ecological resources than nature can regenerate through overfishing, overharvesting forests, overexploiting water sources and emitting more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere than the forests and oceans can sequester. 
So, for the rest of the year, we will consume next year's resources, hence aggravating the ecological issues we already face : pollution, massive extinctions, global warming, exhaustion of resources, climatic disorders... 

During the 70's, the earth overshoot day was still on the 23rd december. Since then , the date keeps coming earlier every year. Of course, the world population increased, but demographic growth isn't the only responsible of that drastic change. 
This analysis confirms the study published in 2012 by 22 scientists in the Nature Magazine (you can read it here) : they were assessing that considering the rhythm and consistency of nature degradation, we'll reach a point of non return around 2100. After that moment, there will be no turning back ; natural disasters and climatic disorders will multiply and increase in intensity. Earth won't be as cool a place to live (in every sense of the word!). For those interested, you can find the interview of two signatories of the study at the beginning of Demain (they speak english), an excellent documentary realized by Cyril Dion.

The good news is, we still have about 20 years to change before things become irreversible. I already hear you say that it's not by taking a shower instead of a bath or riding your bicycle instead of taking your car that we will save the planet, when we compare those tiny actions to the pollution generated by oil extraction from bituminous sands (such as in Canada) or the water waste generated by agriculture and livestock farming. 
Of course, every gesture counts, but our strongest force reside in the choices we make to build tomorrow's world. Those choices influence the market of supply and demand ; the greatest polluters may not be that numerous, but they depend on us to live (I think it would be more accurate to say "to make millions" but it's not the subject today ;p ). In France, people were craving for authenticity and local produces : supermarket are now full of products claiming  to be and looking very "terroir", while, at the same time, many "real" local shops opened everywhere. Again, in France now that Zero Waste is in, you can find bulk stores in every big city. Even IKEA is selling bulk bags! 

So every time we refuse (samples, wrapping), reduce (the distance crossed by the food we eat to reach us) or that we reuse (bulk bags, jars), we avoid the waste of resources that would have ended up in the trash bin AND we create demand for a new way to consume.   In the end, everything is up to us ; it's our duty to influence the world so that it may become what we want it to be. Because, if we don't no one will...  

7 days to change things(or almost!) 

On this special day, I invite you to participate in a little challenge that will go on 7 days.  Seven days ans seven actions to change things and save the planet influence the world of tomorrow. Are you in? 

Everyday, I'll post a picture on my Instagram account and on the blog. For those who want to participate, you just have to post your picture / message on Instagram, Facebook or this blog under the hashtag #7days7actions.
 I hope you'll be thousands to participate (haha) and that this little (quite silly!) challenge will help raise awareness :) Now everything is up to you ! 

Vous pourriez aimer